20 reasons to visit Mahane Yehuda market

Last updated on December 26th, 2023.

There’s only one place in Jerusalem where the locals go to fill up on homemade bread, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Forget the supermarket, Mahane Yehuda market, also known as the ‘Shuk’ is where the locals come to shop. That, plus the market doubles up as a great meeting place.

Like any good market, there’s a charged energy about the place. Friendly shop and stall sellers work their charm to entice you to browse their produce.

20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Filling up at the market
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
A moment of calm inside Mahane Yehuda market

You know you’ve arrived when…

It’s easy to know when you’ve reached Mahane Yehuda market. It’s a popular stop on the light rail in Jerusalem, so it’s easy to know when you’ve arrived.

Along with the light rail stop sign, the voice announcement will also let you know you’re in the right place. Prepare to bustle your way off the rail with crowds of shoppers, and again upon entering the market mecca. 

The first things you’ll spot are the vegetable stalls as you enter the market. Continue walking down this path and it’ll take you to other parts of the Shuk.

Delicious reasons to visit Mahane Yehuda market

The sweet stuff

If you’ve a sweet tooth, pre-book that dentist appointment now. There are so many sticky and sweet things on offer at Mahane Yehuda, walking on by isn’t an option.

To get your tastebuds going, here are some of the treats you can expect to find.

20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Sticky and sinfully sweet baklava

If you’ve never heard of Baklava, familiarize yourself with it now. You can find these delicious bite-size pastries in many Middle Eastern/Mediterranean restaurants or cafes.

They’re so moreish — one bite is never enough. These filo pastry parcels usually filled with pistachio and honey. Seriously sweet, but very good.


This Jewish favorite has a texture halfway between bread and a cake. Take a bite and you’ll get a taste of cinnamon, sugar and chocolate chips.

The rolled pastry is baked, so there should be no lingering feelings of guilt afterwards.

20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Drooling over some rugelach at Mahane Yehuda market

These triangular pastries filled with fruit jam may not be the easiest to pronounce, but they’re mighty delicious.


Though I’d heard of Halva before, I’d never tried it. For fellow newbies, it’s actually a dessert made of ground sesame, with different flavors and fillings.

Stroll through the market, and you’ll likely see a Halva stall selling flavors ranging from chocolate, coffee beans to hot chili.

20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Halva you tried this before? It comes in different flavors too

Map of Jerusalem

Bread is the word

If you love bread as much as I do, the market’s full of it. Homemade Challah bread, bagels and of course pita. There are plenty of stalls selling fresh pita, still steaming in their bags.

The other must-try bread is the healthy rye bread. Mahane Yehuda market also has several shops selling artisan loaves. If you get the chance, and have enough time, stop by to browse or buy.

20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Warning…carb overload ahead
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Packets and packets of pillowy pita
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Even more delicious out of the packaging
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Artisan bread, freshly made

Plenty more at Mahane Yehuda market

Mahane Yehuda market sells more than just breads and sweet pastries. You’ll also come across stalls selling fat, juicy olives, fragrant herbs and spices, and specially blended teas.

If anything, the Shuk is more than just a place to shop, eat and drink. The electric atmosphere mixed with the friendly, animated stall sellers reinforce why it’s popular with locals and travelers alike.

Variety of olives at mahane yehuda market
Variety of olives at Mahane Yehuda market
More olives at Mahane Yehuda market
More olives…
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
A few ways to spice up mealtimes, and your tea

20 good reasons to visit Mahane Yehuda market

Rather than write more about what you can see, the photos in the gallery above say it better. So in chronological order, here are 20 reasons why Mahane Yehuda market deserves a spot on your Jerusalem itinerary.

  • Every stall is interesting with something new to see, smell, taste or buy.
  • The fruits and vegetables on offer are some of the plumpest and biggest I’ve ever seen.
  • The infamous baklava. There are different varieties of this sweet filo pastry and it really tastes as good as it looks.
  • Candied fruits are something I’ve never seen before in a market, but are very popular in the region.
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Plump and perfectly-sized avocados
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Candied colorful fruits
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
A cappuccino is a very good idea at this corner stop cafe
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
A sweeter, drier alternative to fresh fruits
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Nuts, dried fruits and more
  • Freshly baked bread rolls packaged or un-packaged — they’re delicious and very cheap.
  • Try this market cafe stop called La Cornerie. They sell good coffee and is also a nice resting place before continuing your tour of the Shuk.
  • Dried fruits and nuts are also very common in Middle Eastern cuisine.
  • Halva you tried halva before? This popular dessert is made from ground sesame, and also comes in many different flavors.
  • Artisan breads on offer including the very popular rye bread.
  • Colorful and sweet dried apricots and prunes.
The final 10
  • A photo of the mouthwatering Rugelach. It’s halfway between a bread and a cake and also filled with cinnamon, sugar and chocolate chips. Take my word: take 2.
  • Israel has very good olive oil given the climate and sprawling olive branches. Vendors are happy to give you sample of the olive oil, so don’t be shy to ask.
  • You can find spices galore at the Shuk — great for flavoring meals as well as tea.
  • As tempting as it may seem, you probably wouldn’t feel so light if you ate all these bread rolls!
  • Israel: the land of olive oil and olives.
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Just as it says on the label (I think) – Israeli olive oil
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
One for fans of Turkish delight
20 photos to tease your tastebuds at mahane yehuda market
Colorful pulses that’ll keep you full and healthy
  • I love olives so much, I had to include 2 photos.
  • These packets of pita were still steaming hot as they were being packaged.
  • Colorful pulses packed with plenty of goodness.
  • Turkish delight with different varieties on offer.
  • Mahane Yehuda market transforming into its usual busy self.

Mahane Yehuda market at night

When night falls, Mahane Yehuda transforms into one of the hottest spots in towns. The market stalls convert into indoor bars and eateries, with many locals and foreigners conversing under one roof.

Mahane Yehuda market restaurants at night are plenty, and very good too. I had a delicious burger at Burger Market in the Shuk, which of course was all Kosher.

It was my first experience of Kosher food, and it definitely won’t be my last. Jerusalem was somewhere I never thought would welcome such a modern eating and drinking complex, but I was completely wrong.

Boutique hotels in Jerusalem

There are plenty of excellent boutique hotels in Jerusalem, many of them within walking distance of Mahane Yehuda market.

Check out 3 of the best centrally located boutique hotels in Jerusalem: Bezalel Hotel, Harmony Hotel and Hotel Malka.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I’ve recommended. Thank you for your support.

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Nuts and dried fruits at Mahane Yehuda market

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Welcome to my site. I'm Lisa, an Italy-based travel and lifestyle blogger behind Following the Rivera. Find out more about me and my story.

84 thoughts on “20 reasons to visit Mahane Yehuda market

  1. ANUKRATI DOSI says:

    I have always wanted to taste Turkish delight after watching The Chronicles of Narnia. Do you remember that scene?

  2. Jane Dempster-Smith says:

    Oh my, why haven’t I visited Jerusalem before and the Mahane Yehuda Market? I would be there morning and night time. Baklava, steaming hot pita and coffee, I am in heaven. Just my type of day out. I love market vibes and this sounds just the place to visit.

  3. Bev says:

    Yum, look at those fresh products. When I travel I love trying different kinds of bread. I don’t know but everywhere you go the bread is quite different. I love it.

  4. Marysa says:

    I love Halvah! But I’ve never had a really fresh one, only pre-packaged. It looks like there are so many cool things to try at this market.

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